Like all of us struggling through pandemic, I’ve done my share of doom scrolling and Netflix bingeing on top of being glued to a computer screen all day. By 4 p.m. every day, my eyes have had it. Digital Eye Strain sets in with tears, light sensitivity, double vision and a slight headache. I feel tired, uninspired and prone to making mistakes.
I know I can throw some money at this with fancy eyedrops, computer glasses, special lighting, humidifiers and air purifiers. But, hey, I’m an ergonomic expert. I thought, “Why don’t I make sure I’ve got all the basics under control first?” I ticked through my mental list, made a few adjustments and problem solved! Here’s the checklist I used to get my Digital Eye Strain under control. Give it a try and let us know if it works for you!
If these adjustments don’t help and you believe you need to see an eye doctor, the Mayo Clinic has some great tips on keeping a diary of symptoms. Now, back to The Queen’s Gambit…
As always, feel free to contact us with questions!