So, decision time has come, how do you make sure you make the right decision on the consoles you should select? One key factor that should be considered is quality. Let's be honest, every manufacturer is going to say their furniture is "great!" But, how do you measure it? This is the main reason why BIFMA was created. You don’t have to measure it. They do.
BIFMA stands for Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association. They are credited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). They must be official with the length of names given. Kidding aside … BIFMA sets specific standards for durability and long-term safety for certification. A manufacturer submits their products to an accredited outside testing lab. A series of specified tests are given. They either pass or fail. Some of the tests performed on consoles are:
On the cabinets, they also go through stringent tests, such as:
Looking for a manufacturer that produces a high quality product that has all the BIFMA tests with passing grades can ensure that you are receiving a product that will hold up for many years to come. Ask your manufacturer for their BIFMA certification TODAY!