Jeff Carter

Jeffery Carter Deputy Director Mobile County EMS
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How One EMS Dispatch Worker Stopped Making Excuses and Focused on Health

Posted by Jeff Carter on Aug 8, 2014 11:27:00 AM

Start_MovingStaying healthy in the stressful world of EMS communications can be a daunting task. It sometimes seems that every facet of being a 911 dispatcher is designed to keep you comfortably stationary and working at a high efficiency. Coincidentally, the many improvements in ergonomics and layout design have unwittingly contributed to the lack of movement among emergency dispatchers, which has been identified as a leading cause of fitness deterioration. At the same time, being physically fit and well hydrated can positively contribute to our ability to perform in these environments for long hours at a time. When it comes to the health in the 911 dispatch industry, it seems we just can’t win.

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Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale